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St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Belnaleck club afternoon 🔴⚪ï¸ðŸ

19th Jun 2023

Over the last term Mary Cullen and Shanna Cassidy from Belnaleck club have been working with classes in their PE sessions. During this time P2,P3 and P4 took part in a special skills challenge with the focus being “Practise makes Progress”

The children worked on a number of skills such as soloing, fist passing, kick passing and making use of space. On one of the weeks, they had a special visit from player Tommy Watson, who worked with them on goal keeping and shooting.

Towards the last week of the challenge, the children created posters, in class, to reflect what they had learned over the last few weeks. They presented these on the last day to to Belnaleck club players; Kian, Áine and Caoimhe who had accompanied Mary and Shanna to work closely with the children on their last day.

The children ended this fun filled session with a match using all the skills they had learned. They loved the visit from the VIPs and the encouragement they were given from these players.

At the end of the session, all children received a lovely medal and club pencil.
Thank you so much to Kian, Áine and Caoimhe who gave up their free time to come and work with the classes on this last day.
A huge thank you as well to Mary Cullen Belnaleck club member and Shanna Cassidy, Belanaleck player, who have worked so hard with the children over these last weeks. Thank you for your expertise, your time and your commitment to all the children in St.Mary’s school. We are so lucky to have such a supportive club to encourage and develop our children and look forward to continuing to link with Belanaleck GAA in the next school year.